Senin, 14 September 2009

semua orang PACARAN gw kagak!

give me a chance to tell *i'm sorry*

hey boy,, don't give me affection to make me smile, make me high.

***** i'ts so strongh..but my hearth speak sound.
" anggi lo kuat kog..kalo sikap dia kaya gitu ya udah.bakal ada jalan lain,,dia ga maafin lo yaudah biarin aja.."

i walk at the store alone, i saw any couples at shooping mall..and i think
" udahlah gi,,ntar ada waktunya lo bisa punya cowok"

i went to book store, i saw any couples too.,,and i think
" ah najiss dimana-maana ada aja yang pacaran"

i fasting today,,gw coba sabar..
nahan marah gw sama dia..

but i don't forget his legacy

his smile
his sound
his body
his skill
his skin

gw tau dia cuma begitu karena gw temenya..

tapi,, gw sayang sama lo tau ..

give me a chance to tell *I.L.U.S.M*

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